Highly experienced clinical psychologists supporting prominent individuals in complicated situations.


We cover the full spectrum of clinical need from prevention through to mental health crisis. We work online or in person and we don’t have waiting lists

We believe that in order to truly impact the mental health of our clients we have to work with them as well as with their industries.

To achieve this, we offer 3 services:

  • Talent.

    1:1 assessment and therapy

    Band therapy ( a bit like family therapy but for bands)

    ADHD assessment and treatment

    All delivered whenever, wherever needed

  • Team.

    Bitesize, practical training to talent teams to support their work with talent struggling with mental health 

    Clinical coaching for senior managers 

    Specialist “ad hoc” clinical consultation to help staff to work through live and complicated mental health situations

    Therapy for professionals working with those in the public eye

  • Business.

    Bespoke clinical consultation to ensure the right systems surround the talent in all businesses working with them

We believe there’s a better way.